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EDINNA is the educational network of inland waterway navigation schools and training institutes. During a Round Table conference of the Central Commission for the navigation on the Rhine (CCNR) in Strasbourg, in June 2008, directors and managers of the present institutes signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the objective to formalise the EDINNA network. It was officially founded in February 2009 as an Association according to Dutch Law and is registered at the Chamber of Commerce in Rotterdam. The EDINNA General Assembly votes for an EDINNA Board consisting of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and two Advisory Officers.

The EDINNA association recognizes that all members use the same European waterway system and have a different background in various educational systems in Europe. It is the aim of EDINNA to come to a more structured cooperation and to establish a harmonized education, training and certification system for inland waterway personnel in order to ensure high quality of trained staff on board the vessels.
EDINNA is thankful to the CCNR and PLATINA, the platform for the implementation of NAIADES, a 7th framework initiative by the European Commission for their support and assistance in the establishment of the association.