EDINNA and its members have executed numerous projects in order to support the process of modernisastion and harmonisation of professional qualifications in inland navigation.
Herewith we present you an overview of the most recent projects executed.
EDINNA has – amongst others – executed the following projects:

IWTCOMP – Competency Based Inland Waterway Transport Education & Training
The IWTCOMP Project focusses on the implementation of competency based education and training for the inland waterway transport sector, following the new legislation concerning professional qualifications in inland navigation. During the lifetime of the project, a.o., train-the-trainer material will be developed facilitating the implementation of competency based education at institutional level. The consortium consists of the following members:
– Stichting STC Group (coordinator); – Maritieme Academie Harlingen; – Schiffer-Berufskolleg Rhein; – Ceronav; – University of Craiova; – University of Zilina
The first two concrete deliverables are almost finished. As a first step, the EQF levels have been connected with the tables of competences. Another important task of the IWTCOMP project is to draft a catalogue of best practices on competency based education and training, to guide the members of EDINNA with the implementation of the tables of competences, which will form an integral part of the new legislation soon.
COMPETING - Competence Based Education and Training for Inland Navigation)
The COMPETING partners will develop curricula and lesson materials, as well as a Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) system, to ensure the highest level of quality concerning the implementation of future proof IWT education and training throughout the EU. COMPETING will pave the way for the introduction of competency based education and training for inland navigation crew members, certificates granted are recognised on a European level, and where greening, automatization and digitalisation as well as communication on a European level are laid down in the education and training programmes. Partners in COMPETIN are:
- IWT education and training institutes, which have to modify their lesson programmes towards a European wide competency-based recognised education and training programme;
- Social partners (employers and unions) representing the industry and crew members working in the industry;
- Competent authorities and Umbrella Organisations as members of the Advisory Board.
DANUBE SKILLS - Increased institutional capacity in Danube navigation by boosting joint transnational competences and skills in education and public development services
To assist education and training entities in the Danube region in building their institutional and organizational capacity so as to match the standards for competence of inland navigation personnel, standards contained in the EU directive 2017/2397 on the recognitioni of professional qualifications in inland navigation, Danube SKILLS partners jointly prepared the transnational model course on Safety Practices for emergency situations during ship operation on Operational Level.
This model course is structured in five learning modules, namely: safety of work, medical first aid, personal survival techniques, fire fighting and environmental protection. Learning materials for this model course have been also finalized and include: course curriculum, model course compendium, course notes and presentations for each learning module.
PROMINENT - Promoting Innovation in the Inland Waterways Transport (IWT) sector
PROMINENT, a project funded from the Horizon 2020 programme, will address the key needs for technological development, as well as the barriers to innovation and greening in the European inland navigation sector. PROMINENT thereby is fully in line with the objectives of the European action programme NAIADES-II. PROMINENT is ultimately aimed at providing solutions which make inland navigation as competitive as road transport in terms of air pollutant emissions by 2020 and beyond. In parallel PROMINENT aims to further decrease the energy consumption and carbon footprint of IWT, an area where IWT has already a strong advantage compared to road transport.
TTIET - Train-the-Trainer Course for Inland Navigatioin Simulator Training
In the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme, the following members of EDINNA have been developping a Train-the-Trainer Course for Inland Navigation Simulator Training:
– Stichting STC-Group (coordinator);
– Maritieme Academie Harlingen;
– Schiffer-Berufskolleg Rhein;
– GO!De Scheepvaartschool – CENFLUMARIN ;
– European Transport Workers’ Federation.
In case you would like to receive a hardcopy of the Course Material, please contact the daily Secretariat.
CMINET - Course Manuals for Inland Navigation Education and Training
Course Manuals were developed as an integral part of the Standards of Education, Training and Certification for Inland Navigation. Course Manuals are meant to support inland navigation education and training institutes with the implementation of the standards concerning the professional competences as laid down in the Platina tables of competences into their education and training system.
From October 2012 till April 2015 the following consortium conducted this project:
- Stichting STC Group (coordinator);
- Schiffer-Berufskolleg Rhein;
- Maritieme Academie Harlingen;
- European Transport Workers’ Federation;
- BDS Binnenschiffahrt.
In case you would like to receive a hardcopy of the Course Material, please contact the daily Secretariat.
PLATINA II contributed to improving the qualifications of inland navigation workforce by elaborating standards for tools and by developing teaching aids.
Under the title “jobs and skills” technical standards for the use of ship-handling simulators were created, a concept for electronic service record books was prepared and the impact of inland waterway transport in logistics education and training increased by improved learning material.
This action field focussed on:
- Elaboration of technical standards for simulator use;
- Definition of a concept for electronic Service Record Books;
- Developing and distributing teaching aids for future logistis decision makers.
PLATINA - Platform for the Implementation of Naiades
Highly qualified personnel are crucial for the efficient operation and competetiveness of tomorrow’s fleet on European inland waterways. The NAIADES action programme demonstrated that the lack of skilled labour will pose a major problem to the future development of inland navigation in Europe. For this reason three actions have been supported by the PLATINA project in the field of “jobs and skills”:
- Set-up of a European IWT education network (EDINNA);
- Development of a life-long learning initiative;
- Set-up of a European IWT recruitment campaign.