IWTCOMP – Competency Based Inland Waterway Transport Education & Training

The Competency Based Inland Waterway Transport Education & Training (IWTCOMP) prepared the inland navigation and training institutes in training and assessing with the competency based approach. This is done within an Erasmus+ project with partners from  Romania, Germany, Slovakia and the Netherlands.

During the project an EQF comparison between the different countries was developed. Furthermore the best practices related to competency based education within the participating institutions and other related sectors were collected. This overview stimulates and supports the education institutes to improve their education process and will have more teachers involved in competency based learning and teaching. The best practices were used as input for the train the trainer course which was developed and executed during the IWTCOMP project lifetime. This Train the Trainer course is an integral part of the implementation of the new EU directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications in Inland Navigation. The course facilitates the education and training institutes to implement the new Competence Framework into their education and training system. From September 2016 to February 2019 the following consortium partners conducted this project:

  • Stichting STC Group (coordinator);
  • Maritieme Academie Harlingen;
  • Schiffer-Berufskolleg Rhein;
  • Ceronav;
  • University of Craiova;
  • University of Zilina

The following end IWTCOMP products are available below. For further information, please contact EDINNA or a member of the consortium: